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Saturday, April 30, 2011

How to Prevent Back Pain?

Certain safety measures, especially, for people in sedentary occupation, are necessary to relieve and prevent backache. The most important of these is exercise which improves the supply of nutrients to spinal discs, thereby delaying the process of deterioration that comes with age and eventually affects everybody. Safe exercises include walking, swimming and bicycling.

The latter should be done keeping the back upright. Controlling one’s weight is another important step towards relieving backache as excess weight greatly increases the stress on soft back tissues.
Those with sedentary occupations should take a break to stand up every hour. Soft cushioned seats should be avoided and position should be changed as often as possible. 

Persons with back problems should sleep on a firm mattress on their sides with knees bent at right angles to the torso. They should take care never to bend from the waist down to lift any object but instead should swat close to the object, bending the knees but keeping the back straight, and then stand up slowly.

Anaemia - Prevention is Better than Cure.

Anaemia is much more easily prevented than corrected. A liberal intake of iron in the formative years can go a long way in preventing iron-deficiency anaemia. Diet is of the utmost importance in the treatment of anaemia. Almost every nutrient is needed for the production of red blood cells, haemoglobin and the enzymes, required for their synthesis. 

Refined food like white bread, polished rice, sugar, and desserts rope the body of the much-needed iron. Iron should always be taken in its natural organic form as the use of inorganic can prove hazardous, destroying the protective vitamins and unsaturated fatty acids, causing serious liver damage and even miscarriage and delayed or premature births. 

The common foods rich in natural organic iron are wheat and wheat grain cereals, brown rice and rice polishings, green leafy vegetables, cabbage, carrot, celery, beets, tomatoes, spinach, fruits like apples, berries, cherries, grapes, raisins, figs, dates, peaches and eggs. It has been proved that a generous intake of iron alone will not help in the regeneration of haemoglobin. 

The supplies of protein, too, should be adequate. The diet should, therefore, be adequate in proteins of high biological value such as those found in milk, cheese and egg. Copper is also essential for the utilisation of iron in the building of haemoglobin.

Morning Sun Good for Diabetes Patients


Morning sunlight has a lot of benefit for the human body. Sunlight before 9 am can reduce blood cholesterol levels, improve the quality of breathing, make the body become more fresh and can be quite healthy for the bones. Not only that, it is also quite beneficial for diabetics. Vitamin D in sunlight can help improve blood sugar levels.

A recent study found that vitamin D which the body gets when exposed to sunlight in the morning can help people with type 2 diabetes to improve their blood sugar levels. Adequate vitamin D could actually help the cells in the body in charge of producing insulin to work well.

Researchers from Iran involved 90 people with type 2 diabetes for 12 weeks by giving vitamin D and one group was given vitamin D plus calcium. Researchers found that participants who took vitamin D with or without calcium had blood sugar levels that are significantly better.

The same thing also expressed by Esther Krug, MD, a endocrinologist from Sinai Hospital of Baltimore, who said that vitamin D has an active role in regulating pancreatic beta cells which functions to make insulin, according to Menshealth.

In fact, another study published in the Diabetes Care showed low levels of vitamin D that can make adults at risk of prediabetes and prehypertension. Besides that, taking supplements containing vitamin D and calcium can slow the progression of type 2 diabetes. Because of this relationship, the screening of vitamin D deficiency in people with type 2 diabetes could be done.

Know the Benefit of Seeds, Nuts, and Grains


Seeds, nuts and grains are the most important and the most potent of all foods and contain all the important nutrients needed for human growth. These foods contain the germ, the reproductive power which is of vital importance for the lives of human beings and their health. 

Millet, wheat, oats, barley, brown rice, beans and peas are all highly valuable in building health. Wheat, mung beans, alfalfa seeds and soya beans make excellent sprouts. Sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, almonds, peanuts and soya beans contain complete proteins of high biological value.

Seeds, nuts and grains are also excellent natural sources of essential unsaturated fatty acids necessary for health. They are also good sources of lecithin and most of the B vitamins. They are the best natural sources of vitamin C, which is perhaps the most important vitamin for the preservation of health and prevention of premature ageing. 

Besides, they are rich sources of minerals and supply necessary bulk in the diet. They also contain auxones, the natural substance that play an important role in the rejuvenation of cells and prevention of premature ageing.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Avoid Overeating!

A fundamental teaching of Ayurveda is that the common cause of all diseases is the accumulation of waste and poisonous matter in the body which results from overeating. 

Every disease can be healed by only one remedy – by doing just the opposite of what causes it, that is, by reducing the food intake or fasting.

The majority of persons eat too much and follow sedentary occupations which do not permit sufficient and proper exercise for utilisation of this large quantity of food. 

This surplus overburdens the digestive and assimilative organs and clogs up the system with impurities or poisons. Digestion and elimination become slow and the functional activity of the whole system gets deranged.

The onset of disease is merely the process of ridding the system of these impurities. By depriving the body of food for a time, the organs of elimination such as the bowels, kidneys, skin and lungs are given opportunity to expel, unhampered, the overload of accumulated waste from the system. 

Thus, fasting is merely the process of purification and an effective and quick method of cure.

Avoid Eyestrain to Avoid Headache


Eyestrain is a common cause of headache. In such cases, an eye specialist should be consulted and proper treatment taken. Simple eye exercises such as moving the eyes up and down and from side to side, palming, rotating the head, with neck outstretched, forward and backwards three times, then three times clockwise and three times counter clockwise, can relieve eyestrain.

A surprising way to relieve eyestrain is to give gentle massage to the neck. Bring the shoulders together and release. Then take a few minutes to place a moist cool compress over the eyes to give them rest and recuperation.

Avoid Meat to Avoid Gout!


Gout was at one time considered the disease of the rich, when in the West only the rich ate meat.

The gout patient should avoid all purine and uric acid producing foods such as all meats, eggs, and fish. Glandular meats are especially harmful.

The one who has gout should also avoid all intoxicating liquors, tea, coffee, sugar, white flour and its products and all canned and processed foods. Spices and salts should be used as little as possible.

Detect Breast Cancer Through Breast Milk

Almost 70% of breast cancer is detected when it is already in a severe condition or advanced stage. That is what then pushed a number of experts to develop ways to detect it early so that it can be handled easier. Scientists from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, conducted a study to see the level of breast cancer risks through breast milk.

“The content of cells in breast milk can be tested more easily to know whether it contains genes associated with breast cancer,” said one scientist, according to the Daily Mail. “This is a simple and inexpensive way to determine the risk of breast cancer.”

At least one of every eight women have the risk of breast cancer. This number increases 50% in the group of women aged 25 and over. Although most familiar in women in their 50s, the disease is also expected to attack one of every five young women.

So far, the detection of breast cancer rely on mammogram. But it is often difficult to detect the risk of cancer in young women by using this technique. Therefore, the mammogram does not always successfully detect cancer cells in women who have not experienced menopause.

In their research, scientists collected samples of milk from 250 women who had done a biopsy to see the growth of breast cancer cells. Based on DNA testing of breast milk, they found that the milk genes of women with the breast cancer has a distinctive character related to the disease.

Head of the research, Dr. Kathleen Arcaro said, though it still requires further research, this result is enough evidence that breast milk can be used as media to detect breast cancer. She hopes, eventually women who gives birth to a baby can directly do a breast milk test.

In the UK, breast cancer is expected to attack 48 thousand women per year. Besides genetics, the disease is also closely related to the bad lifestyle like smoking,  obesity, and alcohol consumption.

Smoking Parents can Poison their Babies

If you are an active smoker, then you should think twice before you sleep in the same room with you baby. A research in California found that babies who sleeps with their parents (who are smokers) had 3 times higher levels of nicotine than those who sleeps separately.

Babies who have parents who are active smokers  is said third hand. Although they are never exposed to cigarette smoke directly, babies can still be exposed to toxic from smoke that sticks to clothing and skin of their parents, and even on the furniture.

The study also showed that bedroom ventilation is not effective enough to reduce levels of toxins on passive smokers, particularly babies. “Passive smoking is the leading cause of child mortality in developed countries,” said Guadalupe Ortega, author of the study.

Known as the Brief Intervention in Babies Effectiveness (BIBE), the study is related to the impact of tobacco smoke at a very young age group in private spaces. The study involved the participation of 96 primary health centers in Catalonia. Experts interviewed parents of 1,123 babies under 18 months of age, who have at least one parent who is an active smoker.

They analyzed hair samples from 252 infants to determine the levels of nicotine. The research was done again in the following 3 and 6 months . As a result, 83% of the hair samples contained high levels of nicotine.


Thursday, April 14, 2011

Too Much Sugar cause Low Blood Sugar!


Hypoglycaemia is a condition of low blood sugars. Ironically, it is aggravated by consuming too much sugar.

Hypoglycaemia is usually caused by an excessive intake of refined carbohydrates and sugar foods. These substances cause the pancreas, the adrenal gland and the liver to lose their ability to handle the sugar properly. 

Other causes of low blood sugar are a tumour, disturbed functioning of the liver, pituitary gland or adrenal glands. Stress intensifies this condition as it weakens the adrenal glands and starts a faulty pattern of glucose intolerance.

10 Most Dangerous Household Products contain Chemicals

#1  Non-Stick Cookware
In the 1960s non-stick pans were introduced to the American household.  Many people loved how easy they were to cook with and clean, but they held a sinister cost for this ease of use.  The coating of Teflon pans non-stick is Polytetrafluoroethylene or PTFE for short.  When PTFE heats up it releases toxic gases which cause cancer, organ failure, reproductive damage, and other harmful health effects.

#2  Plastic Bottles
BPA was the most recent big scare in plastic bottles, it mimics the effects of hormones that harm your endocrine system.  While BPA is now banned, there are still other types of plastic to watch out for in addition to those old BPA plastics floating around 2nd hand.  Single use plastic bottles leech chemicals into water, especially when left in the sun.

#3  Convential Cleaning Supplies
These contain toxic chemicals that negatively affect every system in your body.  All purpose cleaners contain ammonia, a strong irritant linked to liver and kidney damage.  Bleach is extremely toxic and can burn the skin and eyes.  Oven cleaners can cause chemical burns, emit toxic fumes, and is one of the biggest threats to children.

10 WHO Facts on Food Safety


1.  More than 200 diseases are spread through food - Millions of people fall ill every year and many die as a result of eating unsafe food. Diarrhoeal diseases alone kill an estimated 1.5 million children annually, and most of these illnesses are attributed to contaminated food or water. Proper food preparation can prevent most foodborne diseases.

2.  Foodborne diseases are increasing worldwide - Disease-causing organisms in food are transmitted far and wide by today's interconnected global food-chains - escalating how often and where foodborne illnesses occur. Rapid urbanization worldwide is adding to risks, as urban dwellers eat more food prepared outside the home that may not be handled or prepared safely - including fresh foods and fish, meat and poultry.

4 Simple Steps to Quit Smoking

Step 1.
Pick a quit day. You will have lots of support if you choose the special day such as World No Tobacco Day (WNTD) or Great American Smokeout day as your quit day. For this year, WNTD will be held on May 31, 2011. If that does not work for you, pick another day. Do not wait for the perfect day because that will never come. Just get a date in your head and circle it on the calendar!

Step 2.
Tell you friends, family and coworkers that you are planning to stop smoking. Tell them the quit day you have chosen and ask for their support and understanding while you wage your battle against nicotine. Sharing the fact that you are going to quit makes it more of a reality.

Step 3.
Find and join a support group for people trying to quit. It has been proven that joining one of these groups can raise the success rate of quitting for good. Nothing beats knowing you can turn to people who understand exactly what you are going through. In addition to the live group, enroll in an online stop smoking forum. The internet is a great place to escape to when cravings to light up hit!

Step 4.
Select a nicotine replacement aid. This is also another proven safe and effective way to quit. The aids can lessen your withdrawal symptoms making it easier to fight them. Remember, the withdrawal phase is a short one but it can be tough. A great aid on the market today is Miracet. Check it out and have it handy to support you during your first smokeless weeks.

As conclusion, support is the key factor. You may have been smoking alone for years but in order to quit successfully you will need help. Battling an addiction is not something you should attempt alone. Join a support group, let your friends and family do what they can to help and find a nicotine replacement aid that will work for you.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Understand the Plastic Recycling Codes


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Know the Plastic Water Bottle Safety


Although the FDA has approved all plastics currently being used to package food, they might not all be safe. An estrogen-like compound in plastic could be posing risks to the brain development of infants and children. BPA, a component of polycarbonate plastic, can leach from baby bottles, water bottles and other hard plastic containers.

The biggest risk seems to be for fetuses, pregnant women, infants, and children. Low doses of BPA cause structural changes in the brain that trigger learning deficits and hyperactivity. There is also some concern that it harms the prostate gland and causes premature puberty. 

Not all plastics have been identified as unsafe. Out of the 7 types of plastics used in packaging, 4 are still considered safe. You can use the recycling number on the bottom of containers to identify the type of plastic being used.

Plastics To AVOID:
#3 PVC or vinyl: Used in plastic wraps, food containers, soft bottles, wrappings for meat and cheese. It is made with chlorine and releases dioxins which have been linked to cancer (including breast and prostate), hormonal imbalances, high blood pressure, heart disease, autoimmune disease, weight problems, and chronic fatigue. 
Phthalates, which make the plastic flexible and used in products ranging from shampoo to floor coverings, have recently been cited in a study that linked their exposure to smaller genitals in infant boys and an increase in testicular cancer about adults.

#6 Polystyrene or styrofoam: Used as takeout containers, plastics cups, and cutlery. Its components leach into fatty foods and are believed to interfere with hormones.

#7 Misc/Other: category that includes polycarbonate (PC): Used for most clear-plastic bottles, including 5-gallon water bottles and baby bottles. When heated, they release BPA, a hormone disrupter that imitates the female hormone estradiol which may be linked to breast and ovarian cancer. The US Centers for Disesase Control and Prevention found BPA in the urine of 95% of Americans tested. 

Plastics Considered SAFE:
● #1 Polyethylene terephthalatePolyethylene terephthalate (PET or PETE)
● #2 High-density polyethyleneHigh-density polyethylene (HDPE)
● #4 Low-density polyethyleneLow-density polyethylene (LDPE)
● #5 Polypropylene (PP)

As conclusion, try avoiding plastic food containers as much as possible. Never put hot food in plastic or use plastic dishes in the microwave, as heat increases the leaching of BPA. It is also not recommended to reuse plastic water bottles because as they become worn or scratched, they leach more toxins. 

What's the Risks of Drinking from Plastic Bottles?

For record US has high-quality tap water, but American consumers spend a lot of money on bottled water every year due to the belief that it's safer than tap water. But is it? The perceived benefits may not outweigh the dangers of drinking water from plastic bottles.

Leaking/Leaching - Some plastic bottles leak chemicals into the water, particularly when the water gets hot and causes the plastic to give off gases which dissolve in the liquid. Watch out for hard, colored bottles made from lexan or polycarbonate, plastic baby bottles and drinking cups, which contain and can leak bisphenol-A.

Chemicals - Plastic bottles have a number of chemicals, but bisphenol-A (BPA) is a particular concern. Bisphenol-A has been linked to breast and uterine cancer, decreased levels of testosterone, and even type 2 diabetes. Hard plastic colored bottles made from lexan or polycarbonate, and most plastic baby bottles and drinking cups contain and can leak this chemical.

Bacteria - Bacteria thrives in moisture; therefore, the more you reuse a plastic bottle, the higher the chances that bacteria will grow inside it and make you ill. Any scratches in the bottle can also becoming a breeding place for bacteria.

Safe Bottles - Most plastic water bottles are made from #1 polyethylene terephthalate (PET/PETE), which has been thoroughly tested and deemed safe by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. It's recommended for one-time use only.

● Note: Check for the following codes or numbers within the recycling sign on side or bottom of plastic bottles to ensure safety: #2 or HDPE, #4 or LDPE, and #5 or PP. You can also reuse these safely, as long as you thoroughly re-wash them with hot water and soap.

Potentially Hazardous Bottles - If you see recycling codes #3 or PV/Vinyl, #6 or PS/Styrofoam, or #7 or PC on the bottom or side of drinking bottles, stay away from them.

Environmental Dangers - It takes a lot of energy to make and distribute plastic, which leads to pollution during manufacturing and contributes to global warming. In addition, plastic doesn't easily break down in landfills.

6 Steps to Avoid BPA in Your Daily Life


BPA (Bisphenol-A) is a potentially toxic estrogen-mimicking compound used in plastic production that has been linked to breast cancer, early puberty, infertility, and other maladies. It's dangerous enough that it has been banned in baby bottles in Europe, Canada, and even China. And it turns out that it's almost entirely unavoidable. 

It exist in water bottles, store receipts, soup cans, and plastic-packaged foods, and many more products we encounter on a daily basis, according to a study from the Breast Cancer Fund and the Silent Spring Institute. The study, then suggests that the best solution is subsisting on a fresh-food diet, which could cut down on BPA exposure by at least 60%. 

Here's what you need to do in your daily life to mimic the study's results and how much of a hassle it may be:-

●  Drink tap water or rely on BPA-free stainless steel water bottles instead of slugging down bottled water.
●  Instead of eating microwavable meals that come out of plastic containers, eat only freshly-prepared or organic foods.
●  Instead of using plastic utensils, rely on the longer-lasting variety. 
●  Avoid all canned foods and replace with non-canned variations (replace canned soup with soup in a carton, for example) unless cans denote that they have a BPA-free lining. 
*Note:  If that's not possible, avoid these specific canned foods, which are known to be high in BPA: coconut milk, soup, meat, vegetables, meals, juice, fish, beans, meal-replacement drinks, and fruit. Take special care to avoid foods that are acidic, salty, or fatty. 
●  Avoid plastic storage containers for leftover food. Instead, use glass containers along with BPA-free plastic lids. The food should not touch the lids. 
●  Instead of using a plastic coffee-maker or going out for coffee, use a French press or ceramic drip. 

Even if you follow all of these steps, BPA will inevitably linger in your body; traces of it are found in extremely unlikely places, such as whole eggs and milk (due to pre-market processing). But many of these suggestions will lead to a healthier lifestyle -- eating fresh food, avoiding bottled water, and cutting back on impulse coffee purchases. There's no harm in trying, and certainly no harm in reducing the poisonous toxins in your body. 

Know about BISPHENOL-A (BPA) Chemical


Bisphenol A is a chemical used primarily as a monomer in the production of polycarbonate plastic (PC), and epoxy resins. It also has uses in polyester, polysulfone and polyacrylate resins, and flame retardants. Polycarbonate (PC) is widely used in food contact materials such as infant feeding bottles, tableware, microwave ovenware, food containers, water bottles, milk and beverage bottles, processing equipment and water pipes. 

Epoxy resins are used as protective linings for a variety of canned foods and beverages and as a coating on metal lids for glass jars and bottles, including containers used for infant formula. These uses result in consumer exposure to BPA via the diet. 

Bisphenol A is an endocrine disruptor, which can mimic the body's own hormones and may lead to negative health effects. A panel convened by the U.S. National Institutes of Health and U.S. National Toxicology Program (NTP) agreed that there was "some concern for effects" on the brain, behavior, and prostate gland in fetuses, infants, and children at current human exposures to bisphenol A.

For baby milk bottles produce with BPA, European Union (EU) - recommended by WHO, has announce recently to make the ban effective in June 2011 for EU-member countries. Other countries that have banned the chemical in milk bottles include Germany, France, Denmark, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the state of New York in the United States.

BPA is used in polycarbonate to make baby milk bottles because it made the plastic hard and transparent while those without BPA had a less clear and dirtier look.

[source: WHO & Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations (FAO)]

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Tips to Cure Gum Disease

Any treatment for pyorrhoea, to be effective, should be constitutional. It should aim at cleansing the blood and tissues of the acid impurities which are at the root of the trouble. The extraction of the teeth affected with the disease will not help clear the systemic toxaemia.

The patient should begin the treatment with a short juice fast for three to five days. The juice of a fresh orange diluted with water on 50: 50 basis, should be taken at two-hourly intervals from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. during this period. If the orange juice does not agree, carrot juice may be taken. The bowels should be cleansed daily during this period with a warm water enema. If constipation is habitual, all steps should be taken for its eradication.

Cure Tuberculosis using Nature Methodology

Tuberculosis is no longer considered incurable if it is tackled in the early stages. An all round scheme of dietetic and vitality building programme along natural lines is the only method to overcome the disease. 

As a first step, the patient should be put on an exclusive fresh fruit diet for three or four days. He should have three meals a day of fresh, juicy fruits, such as apples, grapes, pears, peaches, oranges, pineapple, melon or any other juicy fruit in season. Bananas, dried or tinned fruits SHOULD NOT be taken.

For drinks, unsweetened lemon water or plain water either hot or cold may be taken. If losing such weight on the all-fruit diet, those already under weight may add a glass of milk to each fruit meal.

After the all-fruit diet, the patient should adopt a fruit and milk diet. For this diet, the meals are exactly the same as the all-fruit diet, but with milk added to each fruit meal. The patient may begin with a litre of milk the first day and increase by quarter litre daily up to two to two and a half litres according to how the milk agrees. 

The milk should be fresh and unboiled, but may be slightly warmed if desired. It should be sipped very slowly. The fruit and milk diet should be continued for four to six weeks. Thereafter, the following dietary may be adopted:

* Breakfast: Fresh fruits, as obtainable, and milk. Prunes or other dried fruits may also be taken, if desired.
* Lunch: Steamed vegetables as available, one or two whole wheat chapattis and a glass of buttermilk.
* Dinner: A bowl of raw salad of suitable vegetables with whole wheat bread and butter. Stewed fruit or cooked apple may be taken for dessert.
* At bed time: A glass of milk.

Know the Methods of Massage

The methods of massage are as varied as its benefits. There are 5 fundamental modes of manipulation in massage. These are effleurage (stroking), friction (rubbing), petrissage (kneading), tapotment (percussion) and vibration (shaking or trembling).

1. Effleurage:
This involves sliding with the hands, using long even strokes over the surface of the body. Effleurage is performed in five ways, namely stroking with palms of two hands;  the palm of one hand;  the knuckles;  the ball of the thumb and the finger tips. Effleurage increases blood circulation and soothes the nervous system. It also warms and relaxes. It is very helpful in atrophied condition of the skin.

2. Friction:
The movements, which are circular in nature are performed with the help of the thumb and tips of fingers or the palm of the hand towards the joints or around the joints. Fric- tion limbers up joints, tendons, and muscles and facilitates the removal of deposits by breaking them. It also helps in reducing swelling after nerve inflammation.

Cure Arthritis with with Fruits & Vegetables.

The diet of the arthritis patient should be planned along alkaline lines and should include fruits and vegetables for protection and proteins and carbohydrates for energy. It may consist of a couple of fresh raw vegetables in the form of a salad and at least two cooked vegetables.

Cabbage, carrot, celery, cucumber, endive, lettuce, onion, radishes, tomatoes and watercress may be used for a raw salad. The cooked vegetables may include asparagus, beets, cauliflower, cabbage, carrots, celery, brinjal, mushroom, onions, peas, beans, spinach, tomatoes, squash and turnips.

In severe cases, it will be advisable to put the patient on raw vegetables juice therapy for about a week. Green juice, extracted from any green leafy vegetable, mixed with carrot, celery and red beet juice, is specific for arthritis. The alkaline action of raw juices dissolves the accumulation of deposits around the joints and in other tissues. 

Fresh pineapple is also valuable as the enzyme in fresh pineapple juice, bromelain reduces swelling and inflammation in osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Repeated juice fasts are recommended at intervals of every two months.

Lower Blood Pressure with Fruits & Vegetables.


Maintaining a normal blood pressure is very important because high blood pressure can increase the risk of various dangerous diseases like stroke, kidney failure and heart disease. Some fruits and vegetables have great benefits in controlling blood pressure.

High blood pressure is often called the ’silent killer’ because it often does not show any symptoms. Research shows that including fruits and certain vegetables in your daily diet can help lower blood pressure in your body. According to Livestrong, here are some fruits and vegetables that may lower blood pressure:

1. Beetroot Fruit.
A research conducted by scientists from Barts and London Medical School and Queen Mary University of London shows that drinking beet juice can lower blood pressure. This is because beet root fruits contain nitrates that can help lower blood pressure.
The mechanism which happens is inorganic nitrate levels in the beet root fruit will be converted into nitric oxide gas when eaten. This gas will make blood vessels open and relaxed, so that the blood pressure goes down. However, this effect is more clearly seen in men compared to women.

Friday, April 8, 2011

4 Fun Exercises During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, expectant mothers should still stay in shape. Being pregnant does not mean that they are not allowed to exercise. For pregnant woman, an exercise could give them many benefits. 

By working out their body can become more fit and their pregnancy can also become more healthy. You surely do not need to do heavy exercises when you are pregnant, there are atleast four types of fun workouts that you can still do during pregnancy.

Those 4 exercises we mean hear are yoga, pilates, swimming and walking. These types of exercises could be fun and are more safe to be done by pregnant woman compared to other exercises. All of these 4 workouts have their own benefits for your pregnancy. Well, here are the benefits of those four exercises for pregnant woman, according to Yahoo Lifestyle:

Fat Stomach: What Things to Avoid!

Many people are not obese but have a fat stomach, but the problem is that abdominal fat is more dangerous than fat elsewhere in the body. Actually there are some things that you should avoid if you do not want a fat stomach. 

A fat stomach shows that there are excess fat in the abdomen, which of course does not give any benefits to the health of the body. Most of it is the impact of excess weight, but there are also other causes, like a weak stomach muscles, bad posture, stress and excess hormones.

Fat stomach can also indicate the existence of gastrointestinal problems, like constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease and gastroparesis, which is a type of nerve damage that affects the stomach. Well, according to Lifemojo, there are some things that should be AVOIDED if you do not want to have a fat stomach, here they are:

Know about Atkins Weight Loss Concept

Below is a discussion of the concepts of “Atkins diet plans” (also known as “Atkins Nutritional Approach” or simply Atkins) by Dr. Robert C. Atkins. Over the past few decades, this has become the most widely marketed and well-known low-carbohydrate diet: in 2003 and 2004 almost 10% of North-American adults were on this diet.

According to Dr. Atkins’ concept, if we want to lose weight, we need to be concerned with the carbohydrates we eat, not the fat. Many people achieved great success using the Atkins diet. But practice shows that, like any diet, Atkins’ diet plan is not the panacea for everyone. So before starting on the Atkins diet, you will have to consult your physician to make sure this is a good method for you.

When you are on the Atkins diet plan: You say good-bye to junk foods and processed foods.  You eat few carbohydrates. You eat many foods high in protein. The theory behind the low-carb Atkins diet is that by reducing your consumption of carbohydrates, your body will enter a phase called ketosis. And during ketosis, the body will burn its fat for fuel, instead of using the foods in your diet, which will in turn slow insulin production, which will in turn prevent more fat from being stored.

Guides To Dealing with Viral Infections

There are several ways to prevent infection and the transmission of germs. These useful tips can help you to remain healthy and develop a stronger immune system:

●  Maintain a healthy lifestyle by eating properly, obtaining sufficient rest and exercising regularly.
●  Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly – before cooking, eating or after visiting the toilet.
●  Avoid contact with someone who has an illness that you may catch such as a cold, the flu, chickenpox, or measles.
●  Avoid touching your eyes or nose if you have been in contact with someone who has a cold.
●  Practice good personal hygiene by showering or bathing everyday, washing your hair, and trimming your nails regularly.
●  Brush and floss your teeth twice a day, and visit your dentist regularly to prevent infection and cavities.
●  Use cleaning detergents and rubber gloves when cleaning your home
●  Pop sponges and dish cloths into the microwave to disinfect them, as they harbor the most germs.
●  Cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze.
●  Do not eat or drink while working with contaminated things or while cleaning up.
●  Practice safe sex. Using condoms during sexual intercourse will reduce the spread of sexually transmitted diseases.
●  Eat protein and cooked vegetables at least twice a day as this helps to rebuild the immune system.
●  Drink bottled or filtered water as it is less likely to be contaminated.
●  Increase your intake of nutritional supplements to prevent infections by helping to eliminate toxic substances, improve digestion, and balance body chemistry.
●  Positive attitudes and healthy emotions also strengthen the immune system and help you to live longer and feel younger and healthier.

Quick Tips for Curing Joint Pain

Stiff and swollen joints can be cured by massage combined with mechanical movements. Massage is, however, not recommended in serious inflammatory cases of the joints and in tubercular joints. It should also be avoided in infectious diseases like diphtheria and gonorrhoea which cause formation of pus as massage may spread the pus to the entire system. Sprains and bruises can be cured by massage.

In these cases, affected parts should first be bathed with hot water for 15 to 30 minutes. Next the massage should be done for a few minutes. Gentle stroking and kneading is recommended on and around the injured tissues. Fractures can also be treated through massage.

This form of massage is of great help in atrophy of the muscles which usually follows if the muscles are not used for any length of time. This condition may also be brought about by injuries, diseases of the joints, inflammation of the muscles and nerves, and by too long use of cats, bandages and splints.
A human being carries one -half of the weight of his body in the form of muscular tissues. One-fourth of the blood supply circulates in the muscles. When one gets a good massage treatment, the muscles get regenerated and are then capable of holding half of the blood supply.

Massage thus provides additional nourishment to feed the muscular tissues, helping them to grow strong. Tapping, striking, and vibrating help the muscle to develop its contractile power. Muscle massage is brought by first effleurage, kneading, followed by tapotement. Later, active and passive movements are given.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

How to Pigtail Wires


●  Cut a 6" length from a piece of insulated wire the same gauge and color as the wires it will be joining.
●  Strip 3⁄4" of insulation from each end of the insulated wire.
*Note: Pigtailing is done mainly to avoid connecting multiple wires to one terminal, which is a code violation.

●  Join one end of the pigtail to the wires that will share the connection using a wire nut.

●  If you are pigtailing to a grounding screw or grounding clip in a metal box, you may find it easier to attach one end of the wire to the grounding screw before you attach the other end to the other wires.

●  Connect the pigtail to the appropriate terminal on the receptacle or switch.
●  Fold the wires neatly and press the fitting into the box.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

How to Join Wires with a Wire Connector

●  Ensure power is off and test for power. 
●  Grasp the wires to be joined in the jaws of a pair of linesman’s pliers. 
●  The ends of the wires should be flush and they should be parallel and touching. 
●  Rotate the pliers clockwise two or three turns to twist the wire ends together.

●  Twist a wire connector over the ends of the wires. 
●  Make sure the connector is the right size. 
●  Hand-twist the connector as far onto the wires as you can. 
●  There should be no bare wire exposed beneath the collar of the connector.
●  Do not overtighten the connector.

●  Reinforce the joint by wrapping it with electrician’s tape. 
●  By code, you cannot bind the wire joint with tape only, but it can be used as insurance. 
●  Few professional electricians use tape for purposes other than tagging wires for identification.

●  Strip 3⁄4" of insulation off the ends of the wires to be joined, and insert each wire into a push-in connector. 
●  Gently tug on each wire to make sure it is secure.

How to Identify Fake Chicken Eggs?

Around 2009, people discovered fake chicken eggs being produced and sold in China. So, be very careful buying eggs, don’t buy the fake ones! This post will give you some tips how to identify fake chicken eggs from the real ones.

How Fake Eggs were Made?
Fake egg’s shell is made of calcium carbonate. Egg yolk and egg white are made of sodium alginate, alum, gelatin, eatable calcium chloride and then add water and food coloring. First pour a set amount of sodium alginate into warm water and mix it into egg white like shape, then mix it with gelatin together with benzoic acid, alum and other chemicals to make the egg white. Egg yolk is just adding lemon yellow food coloring. Together with calcium chloride to form egg mixture into the mold to produce the egg membrane. 

Egg shell is made of paraffin wax, gypsum powder, calcium carbonate and other materials. Fake egg is full of chemicals, the main ingredient calcium alginate, at most is a gel. Alum, gelatin etc are only as additives, auxiliary agents. There are national standards on the use of additives; the amount of them is clearly defined. In the fake eggs they have become the major components; they are not beneficial to the human body. Fake egg has little or no nutrition value compare with the real egg.

How to Identify Fake Eggs?
1. After opening the egg, egg white and egg yolk will soon mix together.
2. Fake egg’s shell is a little shinier than the real egg, but it is not very noticeable.
3. When touch the fake egg by hand, it feels a little rougher than the real egg.
4. Shake the fake egg will make some noises, because water overflows from the solid agent.
5. Real egg smells a little like raw meat.
6. Tap the egg lightly. Real egg makes a more crisp sound than the fake egg.
7. Shortly after opening the fake egg, egg yolk and egg white will melt together. This is because the egg yolk and egg white are made of the same raw materials.
8. When frying a fake egg, the yolk will spread without being touched.

No matter how good the fake egg tastes, are the egg makers afraid one day they will eat one of their own fake eggs? Hope this simple tips will benefits you.

How to Connect Wires with Push-ins

●  Mark the amount of insulation to be stripped from each wire using the strip gauge on the back of the switch or receptacle.
●  Strip the wires using a combination tool.
●  Never use push-in fittings with aluminum wiring.

●  Insert the bare copper wires firmly into the push-in fittings on the back of the switch or receptacle.
●  When inserted, wires should have no bare copper exposed.

*Note:  Although push-in fittings are convenient, most experts believe screw terminal connections are more dependable.

●  Remove a wire from a push-in fitting by inserting a small nail or screwdriver in the release opening next to the wire.
●  Wire will pull out easily.

How to Connect Wires to Screw Terminals

●  Strip about 3⁄4" of insulation from each wire using a combination tool.
●  Choose the stripper opening that matches the gauge of the wire, then clamp the wire in the tool.
●  Pull the wire firmly to remove plastic insulation.

●  Form a C-shaped loop in the end of each wire using a needlenose (or longnose) pliers.
●  The wire should have no scratches or nicks.

●  Hook each wire around the screw terminal so it forms a clockwise loop.
●  Tighten screw firmly. Insulation should just touch head of screw.
●  Never place the ends of two wires under a single screw terminal. Instead, use a pigtail wire.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Good Health: Meat Not Needed?

Meat seems to have assumed an exaggerated importance nutritionally.
It is generally mistakenly believed that nutritional deficiencies, especially of proteins and vitamin B12 and poor health may result if animal foods are eliminated. Studies however, have indicated to health problems or deficiency diseases for those on a vegetarian diet.

Of the 22 amino acids -the essential components of proteins – needed by the body for its normal functioning, only nine need be supplied by the diet as the body synthesises the remaining 13. The body can use 100 per cent of this protein if all ten amino acids are in ideal proportions. If, however, one or more of the essential amino acids are present in less than the ideal amount, the value of the entire protein is reduced in the same proportions. On a quality rating scale of 1 to 100, egg protein is 95, milk is 82, meat and poultry are 67, fish 80, grains are between 50 to 70 and legumes, nuts and seeds are between 40 and 60.

Bring Lunch from Home for Your Child!

The parents should more pay attention on providing food for children. The reason is that research has shown children who snack on the outside have a tendency to obesity. A study conducted at three secondary schools  in the United States says, not least among students who regularly eat lunch at school or a snack, overweight.

They also tend to have high bad cholesterol or LDL, than children who routinely bring a lunch from home.
“Therefore, bring lunch from home more healthy. School environment itself is a good opportunity to teach children about healthy eating and the need to exercise, “said Elizabeth Jackson MD, MPH, as an assistant professor at the University of Michigan Health System in Ann Arbor.

Elizabeth said, it is important to be known by the children of secondary school. Therefore, the time children begin to be educated to become more independent and not dependent on others.
If they are getting used to choose a healthy life by eating healthy foods and exercising regularly, then this habit will continue to live until they are adults.

Cure Your Heart using Snack

A possible cure for arteriosclerosis can be found in snacking. The patient should take several small meals instead of a few large ones. He should avoid all hydrogenated fats and an excess of saturated fats, such as butter, cream, ghee and animal fat. He should also avoid meat, salt and all refined and processed foods, condiments, sauces, pickles, strong tea, coffee, white sugar, white flour and all products made from them. 

Foods cooked in aluminium and copper utensils should not be taken as toxic metals entering the body are known to be deposited on the walls of the aorta and the arteries. Smoking, if habitual, should be given up as smoking constricts the arteries and aggravates the condition.

Recent investigations have shown that garlic and onions have a preventive effect on the development of  arteriosclerosis. Vitamin C has also proved beneficial as it helps in the conversion of cholesterol into bile acids.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Electrical Wiring Safety

Safety should be the primary concern of anyone working with electricity. Although most household electrical repairs are simple and straightforward, always use caution and good judgment when working with electrical wiring or devices. Common sense can prevent accidents. The basic rule of electrical safety is: Always TURN OFF power to the area or device you are working on. 

At the main service panel, remove the fuse or shut off the circuit breaker that controls the circuit you are servicing. Then check to make sure the power is off by testing forbpower with a current tester. Restore power only when the repair or replacement project is complete.

Follow the safety tips shown on these pages. Never attempt an electrical project beyond your skill or confidence level. Never attempt to repair or replace your main service panel or service entrance head.
These are jobs for a qualified electrician and require that the power company shuts off power to your house.

Know The Proper Hand Washing Steps!

Hand washing is the best way to prevent transmission of infectious diseases. 

Practice good hand washing:-
•  After sneezing / coughing / blowing nose.
• After touching surfaces that are in public places such as ticket counters, counter inquiries, the door (door knob), ladder rail, in the hands of public transport (bus / train etc.).
• After shaking hands with people with flu symptoms.
• Whenever your hands dirty.

7 Steps Hand Washing with Soap and Water:
1. Wet your hands thoroughly and apply soap.
2. Rub both palms.
3. Rub each fingers and between fingers.
4. Scrub the nails in the palms of the hands.
5. Rub the back of the hands and between fingers.
6. Wash hands with sufficient clean water.
7. Dry your hands with a clean cloth or tissue.

4 Steps Hand Washing with Alcohol-Based Hand Detergent (Hand Sanitizer/Hand Rub):
1. Remove jewelry / wrap the wound.
2. Dry hands with a tissue / towels.
3. Put detergent into the hands.
4. Rub hands with detergent for 1 minute.

Be particularly careful when rubbing the back of the hands, fingers, fingernails, fingertips and toes.

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